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讲座预告 | Steffen Sammet:Image-guided Ultrasound Therapy


                     报告名称 : Image-guided Ultrasound Therapy                            

             报告时间 : 2019年7月8日 9:00                                             

报告地点 : 主楼四区209                                             

报  告  人 : Steffen Sammet教授 芝加哥大学             

Dr. Sammet isthe Director of Clinical MR Physics at the University of Chicago. He has aPh.D. in Physics, and he is board certified in Medical Physics by the AmericanBoard of Radiology and the German Society of Medical Physics. He has an M.D.from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and hold an active medical licensein Germany. His primary research areas include high field MRI and MRSapplications. Dr. Sammet worked at The Ohio State University and the GermanCancer Research Center on MRI/MRS methodology including sequence developmentfor clinical high field and ultrahigh field (7T) MRI studies focusing oncancer. He also has a post-graduate degree in Total Quality Management andperform quality assurance of image acquisitions, reconstruction, and analysis.He has extensive experience in translational research and serve as principleinvestigator for several extramural grants that focus on the development ofnovel MRI techniques. He was also Principal Investigator on an R25 NIH/NINDSgrant to establish an educational neuroradiological imaging program in Nigeriaand he is Associate Program Director of the Clinical Imaging Medical PhysicsResidency Program and research mentor of graduate students in his research labat the University of Chicago.
Ultrasound therapy is a medical procedurethat applies high-intensity focused sonic energy to locally heat and destroy diseasedor damaged tissue through ablation. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) isa hyperthermia therapy that uses temperature to treat diseases. Clinical HIFUprocedures are typically performed in conjunction with an imaging procedure toenable treatment planning and targeting before applying a therapeutic orablative levels of ultrasound energy. This presentation will give acomprehensive overview of the advancements of ultrasound therapy with imageguidance and demonstrate clinical applications.

上一篇:讲座预告 | 寸玉鹏:从癌症基因组数据中推断群落演化的结构